Sunday, January 31, 2021

Aunt Betty


Dear Tony, Joe, Lee, Christine, Marty, Rene, Matthew and Mike,

For most of my life, I rarely have a loss for words. This is one of those times. When my mom and dad called me last night about Aunt Betty passing, I was cooking some dinner. A bit apropos when I think back since Aunt Betty always had food in one form or another! Then the tears came. Even today, when I think of her, my eyes well up. But I am still at a loss for words in regards on what to say to my cousins who just lost their mom. A loss for words to the 13 grand children who lost their GaGa. However, if there is one thing I can say to all of you, it's Thank You! As I think back at all the fond memories I have in coming to your house...and believe me, there are many, I also think back at what Aunt Betty (and Beansie) did when we came. To think of it now; it is even more incredible.

Growing up, we didn't have the grand summer vacations that we seem to enjoy these days. And back then that was OK! It started as a tease around Easter time; if we came to Scranton and Old Forge to celebrate Easter with Nana and your family. But, then, as school was winding down, there was the thought of summer and the Rybitski Family reunion! Now, the family reunions were a special time indeed. But what followed was even better! I know I waited anxiously for the invite from Aunt Betty to stay the week at 501 Mary Street and live with the Aversas! That WAS summer! Wiffle-ball outside; games of Life, Crazy-8s and Nerf basketball inside. Singing to the 45s, the "spanking" machine and much, much more. And all behind the scenes was Aunt Betty. And during this time, she was everyone's mom. I mean, the food she prepared, alone was enough to feed everyone! I could write all day on the memories of Aunt Betty. The ice chewing, the ironing, or even the calls down the stairs "Cellar," just to ensure no-one was down there before she turned the lights off. And to think, she accepted more kids into her house for that one special week each summer. 

I hadn't seen or spoken with Aunt Betty since the summer of 2018. And I never really thanked her for those special times. I hope she realized how much she meant to me and what those summers meant to me. So I am letting you know, and yes to say Thank You. Thank you for sharing your mom with the rest of us. I don't know if it impacted you or not, but it definitely did me in a positive way. So I will be forever grateful. I am so sorry for your loss of your mom. You are all in my thoughts.

1 comment:

Joann said...

Perfect! You said everything that I have thinking and feeling 😢